Kat:Actually, can I ask a question? How do you guys write music? I’m curious.
ねえ、質問してもいい? 愛由さんたちはどうやって音楽を作ってるの? 知りたいな。
Andi:I’m curious too!!
Ayu:(Laughing) Um, my big brother is a songwriter I’d say. So basically he comes up with the idea and the band members, like, expand the idea, or arrange it. But, the first idea is…always brought by my brother, Shohei.
I don’t know how to explain, but Shohei wants to get us involved in making songs. So, I, Yusuke, our drummer, and Shohei will usually arrange it together. Sometimes, we would just jam out ideas that came to us during rehearsals, and write songs in about an hour.
Andi:I see.
Ayu:Yeah, and “music comes first” for us too, then the words come later. And…yeah, it’s very hard. The melody is already decided, and the sound is already included. On top of that, Shohei says “I want a word of S-sound in this part”…you know, the “S” is the sound of breathing out from between the front teeth.
Andi:(Laughing) Oh yeah I know. Well, at first it was just gibberish, like, you know, just the tone, the words don’t make sense. Like you said, it’s like, oh, I want to add「Ha」or like…
(爆笑して)うん、めちゃくちゃわかるよ! 意味を持たない音がまずあるんだよね、ただの音。言葉としての意味は通らないもの。今言ってたみたいに「ハ」って音がほしい、とか……
Yeahhh. It’s like so hard to fit the lyrics into the song…
Andi:Like solving puzzles.
Andi:Wow, I have so many questions. I mean, I want to learn more about, like…so how were you and your brother like…did you guys do music since you were young? Or how did this even happen?
うわー、聞きたいこといっぱいあるよ。愛由さんとお兄さんは小さいときから音楽をやってたの? バンドはどうやって始まったの?
Ayu:Mmm. My brother started his band in, like, when he was 15 years old.
His own band?
Ayu:Well, it was not like he made a band, it’s more like he started playing music in a band style with other players. Like covering something, playing the guitar…and then started to write his own songs. That is what he was doing when he was about 15 years old, or younger…
Andi:When did you pick up bass?
Ayu:ああ、私も15歳ぐらい。けど、ベース弾くよりも歌の方が好きで。ちっちゃいときピアノも習ってた。でもそんなにピアノは好きじゃなくて、歌が好きだったから、どうしてか……なんかピアノレッスンなのに私は半分ぐらい歌ってた。ピアノの先生が歌が好きなことを知ってくれてて、(あなたの)歌がいいから、歌おうみたいな感じで。Good teacher だよね。そんな感じで私は歌が好きな人だったけど、バンド始めたのは高校生ぐらいから。
About 15 too. But I loved singing better than bass. I was also taking piano lessons when I was little, but I always loved singing better. Somehow…it was a piano lesson, but my teacher let me sing for half the lesson. She knew I loved singing, so she said like, you’re a good singer, so let’s sing, you know, like that. Good teacher, she was. So, I was always a singer, and it was when I was in highschool that I started a band.
Andi:This band or another band that you did before?
今のバンド? それとも前にやってたバンド?
Ayu:Oh for me, this is my first band, like with our own songs. My brother had a couple of bands before BROTHER SUN SISTER MOON, but…
私にとっては今のバンドが初めてのバンドなの。なんというか、自分の曲をやるちゃんとしたやつは。兄はBROTHER SUN SISTER MOONの前にもいくつかバンドをしていたけど…
Andi:Kind of the same for us. Because me and your brother are both like veterans in the band world. We’ve both done a lot of different musical projects, but you and Kat, like Bubble Tea and Cigarettes – it’s also her first ever project.
うちと似てるかも。僕やお兄さんはバンドの世界ではベテランというか、いろんな音楽プロジェクトをやってきて。でも愛由さんやキャットは……Bubble Tea and Cigarettes がキャットにとっても初めてのプロジェクトなんだ。
Ayu:うん、似てるー! そっかあ。ぜひ次は私の兄も一緒に遊べたらいいね。
Yes, very similar! Next time, it would be really nice to invite my brother Shohei when we get together.
Andi:Yes, please. I want to know him. He’s so cool when I saw him playing.
Ayu:Oh, thank you. 嬉しいわあ。(You make me happy.)