

#02 Bubble Tea and Cigarettes | Somehow We Still Coexist in This World──なんだかんだ言いながら、僕らはこの世界で共生してる

連載:OTHER WATER/Ayu Megumi

翻訳をすること、文章を書くこと、歌うこと。BROTHER SUN SISTER MOONのベース・ボーカルとして活動しながら、翻訳や執筆、Podcast「Call If You Need Me」などさまざまな形で表現に関わっている惠愛由さん。「いつも水の中に浮かんでいるような気がする」と話す愛由さんは、それぞれの時間に「べつの水」を感じているそう。

同じ時代を生きるアーティストたちは、今をどんなふうに感じて、人生において何を大切に思って、どんな思いで創作をしているだろう? おしゃべりを通じて、べつの場所にあるかもしれない「水」= OTHER WATER に触れに行きます。

第二回は、シアトルを拠点に活動するBubble Tea and Cigarettesのキャットとアンディと。2024年11月にリリースされた2ndアルバム『we should’ve killed each other』の話、矛盾を愛すること、忘れること、訊ねること。日本版LP、CDのブックレットにて歌詞の翻訳を担当するに至った、ちょっと運命的な出会いの話から。

My second talk features Kat and Andi from the Seattle-based band Bubble Tea and Cigarettes, discussing their second album “we should’ve killed each other” released in November 2024; our love of contradictions; on forgetting; and on asking questions. We start with the story of a rather fateful encounter that led me to translate their lyrics in the booklet of the Japanese version of Vinyl/CD of the new record.

Bubble Tea and Cigarettes

2020年にNYで結成され、現在はLAを拠点に活動するKat & AndiによるBUBBLE TEA AND CIGARETTESは、2022年に1st LP ‘There’s Nothing But Pleasure’をリリースし、世界中で広く賞賛された。初回プレスの1000枚のLPはアルバム発売から1週間で完売し、彼らの楽曲はプラットフォームを超えて500万回以上ストリーミングされている。 彼らの音楽はドリーミーでシネマティック、そしてメランコリック。日本のメロディズム、ヨーロッパの映画音楽、ブラジルのボサノバ、そしてアメリカのサイケデリックミュージックの影響を受けており、現代の都市を背景に、意気消沈しながらも快楽を求める思春期を経たロマンチックな生活を物語っている。


Accidental/Inevitable encounters──偶然/必然の出会い

Ayu:Okay, so, um, I feel that our first meeting or our encounter was something fateful. And I’d like to talk about that as the beginning point.


Ayu:I guess I already told you that I was in Korea last summer, in 2023, and the lovely owner of the Airbnb where I was staying – her name is Muha. And she was playing the record. I asked her who it was, and she said that it was you, Bubble Tea and Cigarettes.
前にも話したかもしれないけど、去年(2023年)の夏、韓国に行って。泊まってたAirbnbのオーナーのムハが、レコードをかけていたの。すごくよかったので「誰?」って私が訊いたら、それが Bubble Tea and Cigarettes だったんだよ。



Ayu:Yeah, and then I remember that my friend’s band, Luby Sparks, played with you guys when they went to the US.
うん。それで、友だちのバンドのLuby Sparksがアメリカツアーをしたときに、一緒に回っていたバンドだって思い出して。

Andi:Yes, we toured then.

Kat:I think it’s also our first tour in the US.

Ayu:Oh, really? They are my good friends too.

Andi:Yeah I saw your photo that you took with Erika. That one looks really good. And I was surprised that you guys know each other and are good friends. So amazing. She’s so cool.
(Luby Sparksの)エリカと一緒に写ってる写真を見たよ! いい写真だった。二人が知り合いで、しかもいい友だちだなんて知らなくてびっくりしたんだ。すごいよ。彼女はかっこいいよね。

Ayu:Yeah she’s super cool. Then, like in February this year, Takahashi Mai-chan told me like, Kat and Andi are coming tonight, to the show where she sang at a bar.
うん、(エリカは)すごくいいよね。それで今年の2月に、タカハシマイちゃん(Czecho No Republic, Living Rita)が私を誘ってくれて。今日キャットとアンディが来るから、マイちゃんの歌うそのバーに来てって。

Andi:Oh wow, so you came for us? Well, that’s… Mm-hmm.
えっ、じゃあ僕らが行くからって理由で来てくれたの? わあ、それって……ええー!

Ayu:Yeah, of course. Like she said she felt comfortable with my presence since I can communicate in English.

Andi:Yeah, we definitely appreciate that you were there. And I think we were also so glad to get to know you. And then we went to your show – and seriously, that was one of the best shows we’ve seen on that trip, during our time in Japan.
うん、愛由さんがいてくれてよかった。知り合えて本当に良かったと思ってる。そのあと BROTHER SUN SISTER MOON のライブに行ったんだよね。本気で、日本で見た中で最高のライブのひとつだったなあ。

Ayu:Wow! Thank you.
えー! ありがとう。

Andi:It was just so inspiring. And everyone just, you know, the music is amazing. You were all playing amazingly. I’m thankful just being able to get to know you – and also Mai-chan and Takei-san last year. Thanks to you all, we’re able to kind of experience the local indie scene.
I feel like we’ve been to Japan a couple of times, but we were always being sort of touristy? Like going to Shiba Cafe or something.

すごく刺激を受けた。音楽が本当に良くて。みんな、演奏もすばらしかった。愛由さんたちと知り合えてただただ感謝してるんだ。昨年、マイちゃんと武井さん(Czecho No Republic, Living Rita)とつながって、それでこんなふうにローカルでインディーな体験ができて。

Kat:This is our dog.(a shiba inu appeared)

Ayu:Aww. What is her name?

Kat:Nanako! Konnichiwa~.
ナナコ! こんにちは〜。

Ayu:Nanako. It’s a Japanese name.
ナナコなんだ! 日本の名前だね。

Andi:Yes. So I think last time I really appreciated that we got to meet you guys and, you know, experience it. I think, you know, seeing how you guys were having fun in Bar Zookid was quite special. It just feels like everyone’s good friends. The bartender is friends with everyone. And I don’t know, I don’t really get to experience that anywhere else.
And I think this time, you got to help us translate some of our music. Yeah, we’re just so grateful to meet you guys.

うん。だから前回はみんなに会えてほんとに嬉しかったな。なんていうか、経験できたことが。みんなが Bar Zookid で遊んでるのを見れたのがすごく特別なことだったんだよね。みんないい友だちで、バーテンダーもみんなを知ってて。なんだろう、そういう経験は他の場所でしたことなかったんだ。

“we should’ve killed each other” and Japanese culture──岩井俊二、京都アニメーション

Ayu:Yeah, thank you. Because of this – this coincidence, or this connection, you asked me to translate the lyrics for this album (“we should’ve killed each other”). So yeah, I was very honored. Thank you.
ありがとう。うん、この偶然というか、この不思議なつながりのおかげで今回のアルバム『we should’ve killed each other』の歌詞翻訳を私に頼んでくれたんだよね。光栄だよ、ありがとうね。

2nd Album “we should’ve killed each other” BUBBLE TEA AND CIGARETTES (2024)

Andi:Thank you so much. You know the circle of people, Asian artists who speak English and play English music is not that big, I think. You know, I feel like one day we’re destined to meet each other.
Anyway, I think it just happened. You guys are one of them. We also met some Singaporean bands, obviously, English is their primary language. So I feel like just through this project, we got to know this circle of people who are, you know, super friendly, super nice and…


とにかく、僕らは出会えた。BROTHER SUN SISTER MOON はその輪の中にいる。それから、シンガポールのバンドも。かれらの主要な言葉は英語だしね。Bubble Tea and Cigarettes をつうじて、僕たちはそういう人たちと知り合っていきたいんだ……フレンドリーで、優しくて……

Kat:Super talented.

Andi:Yeah. And very hard working. It’s like finding our little circle, a little family.

Ayu:Yeah, yeah. Like around the world.

Andi:Yeah, exactly. You know, I just really hope that this little circle of people will start to strive and give more recognition from everywhere in the world.

Ayu:Yeah, I think so. And from the first time we talked, you were also able to speak some Japanese or understand Japanese, I guess.
うん、わかるなあ。ねえ、二人は最初に話したときからすでに少し日本語を使っていたよね? 会話もわかっているように見えた。


Ayu:What was the reason for that? You also checked my translation this time.
それってなんでなの? 今回、翻訳もチェックしてくれたよね。

Andi:Which is really hard, really challenging. I think I understood maybe 50%. And sometimes I had to look up words on Google – “what does this mean?” But I guess you (Kat) want to talk about it?

Kat:Yeah. I learned Japanese, I think everything just from anime – Japanese anime since I was a kid. So I learned Japanese just naturally through watching those anime and also music. We always wanted to move to Asia.
So I started to learn a couple years ago. I have a Japanese teacher, she’s a lady. We do online lessons. She lives in Sapporo and then we just chat in Japanese every week for two hours.
If one day we can move to Japan I hope we can communicate in Japanese confidently. But Andi is much better.


Andi:I was born in Japan, actually. But then I left when I was six, and then I lived in China for a few years, and then I moved here. So, first of all, I think Japanese, technically, is my first language.

Oh I got it!

Andi:I have a little bit of muscle memory, like once I was very used to speaking the language, but obviously once I left, I didn’t really have a lot of chances to speak. Then I took more lessons during college. I also watch a little anime and…

Ayu:Oh, what anime do you like, for example?

Andi:I really really like Kyoto Animation.

Ayu:Oh, really? Wow.

Andi:So inspiring. I think they are the studio that really got me into anime. You know, everything they portrait is so beautiful. And it’s kind of insane to think how can people put so much effort into making such beautiful art.
But I also think both of us, maybe since middle school or something, we’ve been listening to a lot of Japanese indie music, some mainstream as well. And reading Haruki Murakami and some other well known authors.
And then, you know, watching movies. I think we’re both pretty inspired by Shunji Iwai.



Ayu:Aww. That’s it! That’s what I thought.
うわー、だよね! そう思ってた。

Andi:Yes, I think his style and his world view is very interesting and very inspiring. Maybe our second album is quite influenced by his work in a sense.

Ayu:Yeah, your songs are very visual, like very evocative of images and which in my view is something reminiscent of the work of Shunji Iwai, so I was going to ask you. I wonder if you guys are inspired by his work.

Andi:I’m so glad you’re able to tell. Maybe it’s obvious for the Japanese audience but…

Kat:I think it’s the song names.

Andi:The song names maybe, yeah. We do have a song called Swallowtail Butterfly.
So I would say we are both very influenced by a lot of Japanese arts. I guess we try to put in a little bit of influence from everywhere that we experience into our work.

曲の名前は、たしかに。「Swallowtail Butterfly」という曲があるしね。

“Swallowtail Butterfly” BUBBLE TEA AND CIGARETTES (2024)

Ayu:Oh yeah. And the process of translation, like you checked my translation, you gave me feedback…that was really fun for me. Actually, it was pretty fun trying to explain the nuances.

Andi:Yeah. I think you were being very creative in some places – I can appreciate how much effort you’re putting into this. I feel like you’re clearly not just doing literal translation, but you’re actually, you know, putting your own interpretation and making it really make sense.
You know, some of the words, some of the phrases might not make sense in English, but it might make a lot more sense in Japanese. And then you were like, double checking with your poet friends. I think people will really appreciate it in Japan.


Kat:Yeah, yeah, I’m like, すごい…! (wonderful…!)

Andi:You know, sometimes we buy CDs or vinyls from Japan and we read their liner notes, right? And then this time, seeing our own work being like that…was kind of like… wow, I don’t know how to describe.


Andi:Yeah Surreal. It’s so cool. So I think you really helped us realize a dream in a certain way. So I appreciate that a lot.

Ayu:Wow, うれしい〜。(you made my day.) I’m excited to share it with my friends too.
As for the songs, Swallowtail Butterfly was definitely my favorite. The song was very touching for me personally, also the last song, Glider.

曲の話をすると、「Swallowtail Butterfly」がお気に入りの曲で。私にとってすごく感動する曲なんだ。あと、最後の曲「Glider」も。


Andi:Mmm. Oh wow. The last song…not a lot of people told me that…


Andi:Yes, I’m really glad to hear that.

Ayu:Actually, I love the translation of the lyrics too. Of those two songs.

Andi:Yes, I really love those.

Kat:Yes. Like awww.

Better days you’re dying for あえいでいた
Some things never change 変わらない人やもの
Let the waves tell where you’ll go 波がさらうままに
Time will tell the end いつかは終わるから

Are you afraid of what’s to come 怖いのかもしれないね
when we become benumbed and cold 何も感じないような顔をして
But you know there’s still one ending 終わりかたは決まってる
when there’s no way out どこにもいけないぼくらなら

And you opened up your arms それから腕を広げた
Like a paper plane 紙ひこうきみたいに
When we fall into the water 落下する水の中
Everything should fade みんな薄れていくはずさ

Why at last we’re still alone どうしてこうもひとり
Buried beyond the ocean floor 海底の砂に埋もれた
are the yesteryears we cherished うつくしかった日
Time we used to love 愛した時間
Used to love わたしたちが 愛した

Andi:I think the last song (“Glider”), the translation is very hard for us to understand. I feel like it’s deeper, more philosophical…but I have a feeling that it’s really good.

“Music always comes first”──最初に「来る」のはいつも音楽

Ayu:よかったー。(Happy to hear that.) Like all of your songs have a very sweet melody. So what is your song writing process like?

Andi:Do you want to say that? (to Kat)

Kat:Yeah. Um, so we first have the music, like Andi will try to create some demos for just a piece of the music, and then we will go to the studio together. It’s just upstairs in our house though.
We’ll experiment with different sounds, adding melodies to it and then after we have something that we both like…sometimes this process takes a long time because it’s really hard to get something we both like. Sometimes I’m like “this is amazing!” and he’s like “Oh this is bad”.


Andi:I think I probably wrote 50 demos, like short snippets of songs, but only eight of those were approved by her.

Kat:The other ones are good, but…

Andi:Yeah, some of the other ones – one or two that we both loved. But it’s really hard to expand them into whole songs. So we struggled a lot. I would say our songwriting process was very painful.


Andi:I’m a kind of perfectionist, you know, like I used to be in other bands where it was more spontaneous, a few band members just kind of jam and that becomes a song. But I think for this project, we’re trying to use the advantage of the fact that it’s just the two of us.
We kind of have full creative control of everything. So how to use that advantage to really push for like, almost perfection, we want to make something that we are really, really proud of, and ourselves would like to hear 100 times at least.
So it’s a painful process. I’ll write something she doesn’t like, or maybe she will suggest something I’m like, “This doesn’t work”. But I think the process is usually music first, like Kat said. I think maybe it’s just us, but we think music always comes first, it’s the most important thing.
You know, if you want to start with lyrics or something, we can probably just write poems or books, whatever. But since we’re writing music, I want the music to be really, really good first. And then sometimes we’ll even arrange the whole song first, like all the instruments almost recorded.
And then we will listen to the music a lot of times and try to do justice to the emotion that the music is pouring out. So that is another painful process…


Ayu:Yeahhh. I know.

Andi:Yeah you probably know, yeah, you’re a creator, writer.

Kat:It’s really hard to find the perfect story. I think all of our songs have a storyline. What always comes is first the character and then the character’s emotion and then we’ll try to find a story that fits all the emotions and then fit perfectly with the song.
So sometimes we take many many days just listening to music, just trying to figure out what is the story behind the music. And sometimes when we finish, the very next day we don’t like it anymore and then we start all over again!



Andi:The feeling of finishing a song is probably the most rewarding feeling that we get to experience. I don’t know, I think obviously there’s a lot of fun things in the world, you know, like getting drunk or something. But the happiness of accomplishing something like, “Wow, this is so good” – nothing can compare to that. So, even though it’s really painful, it’s just the best feeling ever.

Love of contradictions──矛盾を愛すること

Ayu:Mm-hmm. Yeah, so the song tells you the story of itself. Many of the lyrics, your lyrics are like focusing or touching our vulnerability, I guess. It’s kind of a serious thing.

Andi:Yeah, pretty serious.

Ayu:But I like that “mismatch” with the melody in a good way. Melodies are so sweet. And the lyrics are like really…

Andi:Yeah, very interesting. I think we thought about this recently. We really like contradictions.


Andi:If you think about it, our band name is sort of a contradiction. Bubble Tea is sweet, representing youthfulness. It’s probably like an Asian thing, right? Whereas the Cigarettes are bitter, more like a grown up version of you. And I think it’s also a staple of the West.
And I think a lot of our songs have very strong emotions. Her voice is whispering. And I think that’s a contradiction. I just feel like the contrast is so impactful that it’s probably a staple for our sound. And there’s also like…I don’t know. Like you said, the lyrics are dark.
I feel like the first album was pretty sweet but I think the second album is kind of dark as well but I get what you’re saying.

考えてみれば、バンドの名前にも矛盾みたいなものがあって。Bubble Tea(タピオカ)は甘くて若いイメージでしょ。しかも多分アジアのものだよね? でもCigarettes(煙草)は苦くてもっと大人なイメージ。さらに西洋と結びつきやすいものだと思う。

#02 Bubble Tea and Cigarettes | Somehow We Still Coexist in This World──なんだかんだ言いながら、僕らはこの世界で共生してる

1st Album “There’s Nothing But Pleasure” BUBBLE TEA AND CIGARETTES (2022)

Kat:The first…I don’t know.

Ayu:Haha. The first album?

Andi:Like, we even sometimes don’t agree with how we interpret our songs, especially when we’re trying to think of the storyline. Like Kat said, I guess we try to create a character that both of us can resonate with.
I feel like it’s part of her and me, and sometimes the same feeling can be felt towards different things. For example, maybe one song is about a past experience, relationship experience that she feels, but I might feel differently. I might feel the same thing towards, I don’t know, my aspirations or like, you know, friends or something. Sometimes the other way around.
But I think that’s music. It’s like you can have a lot of ways to interpret it.


“Go Downstairs to the Blue Moon, Buy Some Fried Chicken” BUBBLE TEA AND CIGARETTES

Ayu:Mm-hmm. Yes. But a lot of contradictions…that contradiction expressed in your song was very beautifully expressed. It was so beautiful I love that.

Andi:And I think, you know, the beautifulness of these emotions also contradicts with how dark they are sometimes. We think we’re almost trying to express depression, sometimes maybe a little bit of suicidal thoughts and some of the very dark stuff.
But the way I think is like, they are still beautiful emotions. I don’t know how to explain, this might sound really wrong, but you know, they are a part of the most intense feelings that we get to experience as human beings. And I just feel like they need to be expressed.



Subculture beauty in Japan/the US──日本とアメリカのサブカルチャーシーン

Andi:And I think maybe one reason why I really like a lot of the Japanese arts, at least compared to the US. In the US, a lot of people focus on being politically correct.

Ayu:Oh, yeah.

Andi:if you have too much negative emotion in your art or anything, it’s not very, you know, commonly accepted. Although the newer generation like Gen Z is accepting more as they are influenced by a lot of international art. But the general public is more careful about those kinds of things.
I feel like Japan is such an interesting country that is also very contradictory. I think on the surface, you know, it’s like everybody’s following their roles and following the order, but then you dig really deep into the art scene…you find these subcultures where people are really expressing themselves sometimes in a really messed up way, but, you know, they have the freedom to express those things and they’re still getting respected and, you know, people love their stuff.
I think that’s what sort of the Japanese art scene really inspires me. And I don’t know, I feel like Japanese artists to the extent even have more artistic freedom than other countries…


Ayu:へええー。そうかあ、そうなのかなあ? 自由さ……えー、ちょっとこれ英語で話せるかわからん!
Mmm. You think like that. I don’t know but…artistic freedom…wow I don’t know if I could say what I want in English!

In Japanese, please!

Yeah, in Japanese is ok!

Ayu:日本語でいいかなあ? うーん、自由さ、感じてなかったなあ、逆に。なんか……ちょっと話ずれるかもしれないけど、last year, I was visiting Korea for my trip and……Airbnbのオーナーのムハが「日本はすごくカルチャーを大事にする」、and that’s great って言ってくれて。
Oh, ok…well, I don’t know..I haven’t really felt artistic freedom myself, I guess.
This may be another story, but, last year, I visited Korea and stayed at a wonderful Airbnb, you know, and the owner of the place, her name is Muha, said that Japanese people really cherish their own traditional culture.
But when she said that, I thought it’s the same in Korea too. But Muha said everything keeps changing so fast in Seoul, and she just cannot catch up with it…also, she sometimes feels so empty about it.

Kat and Andi:うん。

But you know, for me, the speediness seems to be something very fascinating sometimes.

You mean technology?

Ayu:そう、テクノロジーとか、政治? 法律とか。
Yeah, technology, politics, laws…


Ayu:そこに住んでる人の意思がちゃんと社会に伝わっていく。なんかそのスピードがすごく速く見えてて。 Like…it’s an election day today in Japan(衆議院選挙の投票日), and I’m going to go vote later なんだけど(笑)。
なんかそういうね、ずれ? みたいなのって、違う国とか違う文化に対して感じるないものねだりというか。
It feels like the people’s will is transmitted to the government better in Korea, and it is so speedy. Like…it’s an election day today in Japan, and I’m going to go vote later, you know.
It’s like a kind of misalignment, a desire for something that you don’t have, while other countries or cultures seem to have.

Andi:Yeah, I think that is true, like maybe for the majority of Japanese society. Also, unfortunately, Japan has too many, you know, too many old people… (in policy making)


Andi:I feel like the culture is still being controlled by them. In a sense that a lot of things can’t change because of them. But I guess what I was kind of thinking is more about the subculture, like the more rebellious side.


Andi:Tiny minorities who are able to, you know, express very crazy thoughts, I think. You know, modern art, sometimes in manga, anime as well, can be really dark. It’s like, if you make that kind of stuff in the US, I don’t think you can put it on Netflix or something.
But you know, in Japan – this is purely from an outsider perspective – I feel like there’s a freedom such that as long as you don’t disturb other people, you can do whatever you like. And there’s always small circles of people doing that. Maybe that’s what I’m thinking more about. Yeah.


Staying in between──「あいだ」にいること

Ayu:Mmm… なるほどね。なんか、矛盾をすごく受け入れる社会だとは思っていて。それはすごく言語に表れてる気がしてて。矛盾とか曖昧さを、なんかこう……。ずっとグレーゾーンみたいな。白黒じゃなくて、ずっと間にいるみたいな。それがすごくうざったいときもあって、「はっきりせい!」って言いたいときもあるけど、でもそのグレーゾーンにとどまれる力みたいなのは、たしかにあるかもしれない。日本のカルチャーとか言葉には。うん。
Mmm… I see. I have a feeling that our society is a society that can accept contradictions. And that is shown in our language, like, I feel we live in a gray zone, not black and white, full of ambiguity and contradictions… And it’s so annoying that I sometimes want to scream out to them to make it clear, but I do feel that Japanese language and culture have the power to allow us to remain in that gray zone.

Andi:And I think that’s maybe why we’ve been so attracted to the Japanese subculture scene. It’s because of this gray zone…


Andi:In a sense you know, in America, like you said, policymakers would just be like “No”, “This is not good”. Or like on the internet, people would be like “This is not right”. “You shouldn’t say this”. “You shouldn’t do that”.
I think the more pioneering aspects of doing art is all about finding those gray zones and to explore, to try to push the limit of artistic expression.
Japan is able to do a lot of that because of the gray zone. I think it’s a lot more limited in…at least how I feel in the US.


Ayu:Mmmm. That’s interesting.


Kat:Yeah, for me, I do feel like the reason why we’re attracted by this contradiction and then the gray zone and subcultures in Japan is because what you said, there is a traditional culture that is still very traditional and mainstream.
When we went to Japan, we saw those “traditions” everywhere. It’s difficult to find those subculture groups. I think in the US, there’s not that many traditions on the surface, and then you don’t feel that contradiction anymore.



Ayu:So like, I do translation work, and I love translating. It’s, it’s always gray zone.(私は翻訳の仕事をしていて、翻訳が好きなんだけど……。それも、どこまでもグレーゾーンにいることなんだよね。) 翻訳も「あいだ」にいる仕事だと思ってて。もうずっとグレー。黒に行けない。でも私はその「あいだ」にいるってことをすごく愛してて。
So like, I do translation work, and I love translating. It’s, it’s always gray zone. I feel translation is a job of being in between, like it’s always gray, you can never go to black. But at the same time, I think I love being in between very much.
It’s because of my personality too, like… I do love to keep thinking about things being in between, it feels very natural to me. But it was refreshing to hear Kat and Andi say that it’s also a Japanese thing, a part of Japanese culture.

Kat:Yes. I think about it. My Japanese teacher told me Japanese people will never say “No”. And then when they say “No”, it doesn’t mean “No”. And then when they say “Yes”, it doesn’t mean…it depends on the situation!!

Andi:Speaking of translation, I think how people express themselves between America and Europe are also different. I think America is a very straightforward country.

Kat:When they say “Yes”, they mean “Yes”.

Andi:Yeah, people appreciate high efficiency, in a sense. There’s no ambiguity during people’s talk. You know, if you have a party and somebody wants to go, they would just be like, “Okay, I’m leaving. See you guys”. There’s no like, you know, thinking about「空気読む (reading the room) 」とか.
And Europe is more traditional. I think there’s a lot more ambiguity, or maybe culture norms that you need to follow.
But I think maybe what Japan inspires us is that it seems like there’s a lot of ambiguous parts between any human communication or relationship. And in a sense, that makes the relationship very interesting and beautiful to explain in art.
It’s like, you don’t say your feelings directly, so you kind of have to guess a little bit and you kind of have to care about the other person’s feelings.


Ayu:Oh, yeah.

Andi:That makes the relationship very beautiful, whereas I think here (US), I don’t know, you listen to most of the songs here, it’s very different.

Kat:I think the way they express emotions is very straightforward.

Ayu:ああ、おもしろいなあ。So you mean there’s a space for caring actively…in Japan. 想像を働かせる余地があるっていうか、想像を働かせる時間が文化の中にあるってことだね。そうかあ、って思った。
It is so interesting. So you mean there’s a space for caring actively…in Japan. Like, Japanese culture allows us the space and time to use our imagination. I just realized now.

Andi:So yeah, like you said, there’s not a lot of imagination. I feel like in the relationships and day to day friends making here (US)…


Andi:…there’s no “gray zone” like you said, haha! I think the “gray zone” is what makes things very interesting and beautiful.

Kat:But it is also difficult to learn.

Yeah I guess so.

Kat:My Japanese teacher asked a couple of questions, like a quiz. And then one question was – you have a Japanese friend, and you met her after you didn’t see each other for a long time. And then she said let’s go hang out sometimes.
“Do you think she’s asking you out to hang out?” my teacher asked. I said, “Yes, because she said let’s hang out!!”. But my Japanese teacher said, “No, she doesn’t mean that, because if she really wants to hang out, she will ask you when”.

「彼女はあなたを遊びに誘ってるんだと思う?」って。「はい、だって彼女はそう言いましたよ、また遊ぼうって!」私がそう言うと、先生は「いや、彼女は本気で言ってないのよ、もし本当に遊びたければ、いつ遊ぶ? って予定を訊くんだよ」って言ったの。

Ayu and Andi(Laughing)

Ayu:わかるー。とか言って。うーん、そうなんだよねえ。Like「建前」? いや、建前じゃないか。「社交辞令」みたいなのが、すごくあるよね。
Oh, I really really understand the situation. That’s right. It’s just a pretense, no it’s not a pretense, it’s just a polite talk. There are a lot of things like social etiquette in Japan.

Andi:Because it’s very multicultural in America, I think. The places we lived in are mostly big cities so there were a lot of immigrants when we lived in New York and LA. To be honest you don’t really see white-white people. Most people look like racially ambiguous.
So I think that’s why maybe people want to be more straightforward, because there’s really no common ground, everybody had different cultures growing up.
And so that kind of 社交辞令 (social etiquette) probably doesn’t work. If you are a Japanese person in America, and you try to apply some of that, they will not get it.

アメリカはすごく多文化社会で、僕らが住んでいるのは New York や LA とか大きな街だから、移民がたくさんいて。たぶん、正真正銘の「白人」なんてそんなにいないんだ。容姿からは人種もよくわからない。

Ayu:なるほどね。まさにそういう misunderstanding? miscommunication を経験したことあるなあ。
I get that. I have actually experienced such misunderstanding or miscommunication.

Andi:I feel like this kind of opportunity to talk to, you know, people from different cultures is very…it’s always very interesting. It kind of makes you think, you know, how people are growing up in totally different backgrounds and cultures.
Somehow we still coexist in this world. And, you know, with the internet, everything is interconnected. I appreciate you guys doing this kind of conversation. I think it’s very valuable and it evokes a lot of thinking.


How’s it going lately?──最近どう?

Ayu:Mm-hmm. You are right, yes, this is so interesting.
So I guess you’re busy preparing for your Asian tour or the release of the album and…like any promotion or something. But yeah, how’s it going lately?


Kat:We’re very excited for sure. Also stressed. There’s a lot of things going on.

Andi:I think we’re both sleep deprived. So I had a good chance to sleep today and I woke up at 3 pm. We both have full time work during the day. It’s really really stressful.

Ayu:Wow, really!?
わー! そうなんだね。

Kat:But I guess it’s like having a baby and we’ve been through the pregnancy and then now it’s finally going to come out. So I think we just need the baby to come out and then we’ll be fine.

Andi:Yeah, I don’t know.

Ayu:そのあと世話しないといけないけど(笑)。 でもね。
Well you will have to look after the baby, (laugh) but still…

Andi:We don’t really have interesting life stories, to be honest. I think sometimes it’s just coming back from work. Take a quick nap. And then…switch our minds to work on music or practice. We kind of DIY everything. It’s probably a problem because we, you know, design our own posters, we design our own lighting design for shows.

Ayu:Oh, really?

Andi:You know, music video, we try to edit ourselves.

Ayu:So talented and creative.


Andi:I don’t know. But yeah, it’s also very tiring. And I think we need to figure out gradually how we can scale. Well, I think, you know, finding really talented people that resonate with you is kind of hard.

Kat:It’s really hard.

Andi:Especially doing this kind of music that is more “subculture”, something not so mainstream, and finding like-minded people is really hard.


Andi:Before we discover those people, I guess we have to try to do everything ourselves so that we can express ourselves the best way. I’m a perfectionist, so I think I’m just kind of – even though it’s very tiring, I try to do as much as I can to control the creative side of things. It’s not healthy and I think we need to figure out a way to do it some other way.

Making a zine with mom and grandma──母と祖母と作ったZINE「MY RIVER RUNS TO THEE」

Ayu:Talking about myself, right now I’m working on a zine, I mean a little book, with my mother and my grandmother. It’s about memory and documentation of it and forgetting also.


I don’t know, it’s weird to suddenly start talking about myself…

Andi:Oh, no, that’s beautiful.

Ayu Megumi “MY RIVER RUNS TO THEE──わたしの川はあなたへとながれる”

Ayu:Yeah. I didn’t know my grandmother’s surname before she got married because in Japan, when you get married, you have to change your surname either to yours or your partner’s.


Kat:You have to?

Ayu:Yeah, you have to. Crazy, right?

Andi:Is it still in the law? Like you have to?
それって法律で決められてるの? 変えなきゃいけないって。

Ayu:Yeah, there’s a law. I and lots of my friends want to be able to choose our surnames, so we will vote for a party that allows us to do so.
My grandma changed her surname to her husband’s, and yeah, when I realized this I felt like I knew nothing about my grandmother’s younger days and I got scared somehow.




Ayu:And my mother is a kind of writer who, I’d say, her life has been very eventful, なんか、波乱万丈というか。(like full of ups and downs.)

Andi:Like the bubble era, right?

That’s right. Her 20s were during the bubble era.

Andi:I just feel like, you know, that generation is so cool and kind of mysterious to us, but…yeah, sorry to interrupt.

Ayu:No no no it’s okay, Her generation was experiencing rapid change and had to change their way of life considerably, I suppose… So I thought it would be fun to make a 3 generation zine, you know, the three of us, my mother and grandmother and me, who happen to be related by blood, in the name of a family, living in the same time period. So yeah, I decided to make something together for myself and…

Kat:Aww please share it we want to read it!!

Ayu:Yeah, I’ll bring one to your show in December! Like there is a talk event in mid-November and I’m going to chat with a philosopher Rei Nagai, and I want to get the zine out in time for that event. So yeah, I’ll try my best to complete it in another week or so. I’m working on it.
うん、12月のライブに持っていくね! 11月半ばにトークイベントがあって、哲学者の永井玲衣さんという人とおしゃべりするんだけど、その日にZINEを間に合わせたくて。だから、うん、あと1、2週間は頑張らないといけない。必死だよー。

Andi:I’m just thinking, you know, your grandmother probably lived right after the war. Your mom, she was young during the bubble era. And then you are in this very interesting period of time.
おばあちゃんはきっと、戦争のすぐ後の世代だよね? お母さんは若い頃にバブル時代を経験して。それで愛由さんは、この興味深い時代を今生きてる。

Ayu:Yeah, actually, my grandmother, like, she is 89. 戦争経験してるし。もう超歳いってるから。 (She went through wars, and she is pretty old now.)

Andi:It will also be very meaningful to your grandmother as well.

I think so.

Andi:Very beautiful. Wow.

Ayu:I’ve been thinking about the beauty of forgetting and the beauty of leaving a trace of our individual moments, individual memories, like both.

Kat and Andi:Hmm.

Ayu:Recently I watched the movie Eternal Sunshine: the Spotless Mind – do you know, like Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet.

Andi:Yeah, I’ve heard about that.

Ayu:I learned a quote from Alexander Pope’s poem, “the world forgetting by the world forgot” – like there is healing and forgiveness in it. It somehow hit me and I’m thinking about the comfort and the feeling that comes with oblivion.

How do you prefer, forgetting or documenting?──忘れること、記憶すること

Andi:Yeah. You know, like sometimes, let’s say you’ve been to a place that you were a lot younger and you had very good memories of it. Do you want to go back or not?
Sometimes I feel like I don’t want to go back because I have such good memories. It’s so beautiful, but I feel like if I do go when I see the reality, it’s going to really change my worldview in a sense.
I feel like I can totally relate – that there’s some beauty and just let it be there and not revisit it but…well, that’s interesting. What do you think you prefer? Forgetting or do you prefer documenting it?

忘れることに美しさがあるっていうのはすごくわかる。だからそれをそのままにしておく、再訪せず、そのまま……。ああ、おもしろいね。どう思う? 忘れることと、記録すること。どっちが好き?

Ayu:Actually, both.

Andi:Yeah, it’s hard.

My mom once told me that, like, it’s hard to say in English for me, but my mom Atsuko said, “Beautiful things should be left as they are, but I think exposing them is a sin of the elderly”.

Andi:Wow. Try to dig it out, it feels like…it feels like 罪 (sin).

Yeah, It just came to me that it sounds similar to what Andi was saying.

Kat:That’s really deep.

Ayu:Deep, yes. I just remembered suddenly.

Kat:I love it. Like, recently – also because we’re growing older, I also wanted to know more about my grandma and my mom’s past. Before, she’s always my grandma, right? When I was born, they’re always playing the role of grandma and the mom, but we never knew what they were like when they’re young.
So I think it’s a very meaningful project because they’re not just our mom and grandma, they had their youth like us, and then you keep wondering who they were before they had us. So I think that’s really nice.


Ayu:そう、そう。そうなのよ。だから、 I asked many questions this summer to my grandmother, like about her younger days, like 子どものとき……それをね、ZINEに入れるから。話す時間が持てたことが何か癒しだった、私にとっても。うん。
Yes, yes, that’s exactly how I was feeling. So I asked many questions this summer to my grandmother, like about her younger days, like when she was only 6 or 8 years old…because I wanted to put the stories in the zine. It was a healing time for me just listening to her talk about her life.


Kat:There’s a book “When Breath Becomes Air”, I think that’s a really good book. I recommend you guys to take a read.
It’s an American novel. I think it’s about how the author read a lot of things about old people, and how they finally lived as old people. I never thought about aging before I read that book, but after reading that book, I feel like, yeah, aging, it’s something scary, but it’s also something that we need to think ahead of time.
You cannot be forever young. We probably don’t think about that at all, but that book makes me start thinking of when we get old.

『When Breath Becomes Air』って本があってね。すごくいい本だから、読んでみてほしいな。

Ayu:うんうん……。読んでみよう。たぶんそれと少し似てて、Rebecca Brown…do you know this writer? “The Gifts of the Body”(『体の贈り物』)って小説が、病気とともに生きる身体について書いてる本で、それもすごく私は好きで……。あと老いについて書いてる本もあって、まさに最近読もうと思ってたんだよね。ありがとう。
Yes, I will read it. Probably a little like that, Rebecca Brown…do you know this writer? She wrote “The Gifts of the Body”, it’s a collection of stories about people living with sickness. I really like the book, also there’s another book about aging, which I was going to read…so thank you for introducing me the book you mentioned.

Paul Kalanithi “When Breath Becomes Air” / Rebecca Brown “The Gifts of the Body”

Counter Interview – About BROTHER SUN SISTER MOON

Kat:Actually, can I ask a question? How do you guys write music? I’m curious.
ねえ、質問してもいい? 愛由さんたちはどうやって音楽を作ってるの? 知りたいな。

Andi:I’m curious too!!

Ayu:(Laughing) Um, my big brother is a songwriter I’d say. So basically he comes up with the idea and the band members, like, expand the idea, or arrange it. But, the first idea is…always brought by my brother, Shohei.
I don’t know how to explain, but Shohei wants to get us involved in making songs. So, I, Yusuke, our drummer, and Shohei will usually arrange it together. Sometimes, we would just jam out ideas that came to us during rehearsals, and write songs in about an hour.


Andi:I see.

Ayu:Yeah, and “music comes first” for us too, then the words come later. And…yeah, it’s very hard. The melody is already decided, and the sound is already included. On top of that, Shohei says “I want a word of S-sound in this part”…you know, the “S” is the sound of breathing out from between the front teeth.

Andi:(Laughing) Oh yeah I know. Well, at first it was just gibberish, like, you know, just the tone, the words don’t make sense. Like you said, it’s like, oh, I want to add「Ha」or like…
(爆笑して)うん、めちゃくちゃわかるよ!  意味を持たない音がまずあるんだよね、ただの音。言葉としての意味は通らないもの。今言ってたみたいに「ハ」って音がほしい、とか……

Yeahhh. It’s like so hard to fit the lyrics into the song…

Andi:Like solving puzzles.


Andi:Wow, I have so many questions. I mean, I want to learn more about, like…so how were you and your brother like…did you guys do music since you were young? Or how did this even happen?
うわー、聞きたいこといっぱいあるよ。愛由さんとお兄さんは小さいときから音楽をやってたの? バンドはどうやって始まったの?

Ayu:Mmm. My brother started his band in, like, when he was 15 years old.

His own band?

Ayu:Well, it was not like he made a band, it’s more like he started playing music in a band style with other players. Like covering something, playing the guitar…and then started to write his own songs. That is what he was doing when he was about 15 years old, or younger…

Andi:When did you pick up bass?

Ayu:ああ、私も15歳ぐらい。けど、ベース弾くよりも歌の方が好きで。ちっちゃいときピアノも習ってた。でもそんなにピアノは好きじゃなくて、歌が好きだったから、どうしてか……なんかピアノレッスンなのに私は半分ぐらい歌ってた。ピアノの先生が歌が好きなことを知ってくれてて、(あなたの)歌がいいから、歌おうみたいな感じで。Good teacher だよね。そんな感じで私は歌が好きな人だったけど、バンド始めたのは高校生ぐらいから。
About 15 too. But I loved singing better than bass. I was also taking piano lessons when I was little, but I always loved singing better. Somehow…it was a piano lesson, but my teacher let me sing for half the lesson. She knew I loved singing, so she said like, you’re a good singer, so let’s sing, you know, like that. Good teacher, she was. So, I was always a singer, and it was when I was in highschool that I started a band.

Andi:This band or another band that you did before?
今のバンド? それとも前にやってたバンド?

Ayu:Oh for me, this is my first band, like with our own songs. My brother had a couple of bands before BROTHER SUN SISTER MOON, but…
私にとっては今のバンドが初めてのバンドなの。なんというか、自分の曲をやるちゃんとしたやつは。兄はBROTHER SUN SISTER MOONの前にもいくつかバンドをしていたけど…

Andi:Kind of the same for us. Because me and your brother are both like veterans in the band world. We’ve both done a lot of different musical projects, but you and Kat, like Bubble Tea and Cigarettes – it’s also her first ever project.
うちと似てるかも。僕やお兄さんはバンドの世界ではベテランというか、いろんな音楽プロジェクトをやってきて。でも愛由さんやキャットは……Bubble Tea and Cigarettes がキャットにとっても初めてのプロジェクトなんだ。

Ayu:うん、似てるー! そっかあ。ぜひ次は私の兄も一緒に遊べたらいいね。
Yes, very similar! Next time, it would be really nice to invite my brother Shohei when we get together.

Andi:Yes, please. I want to know him. He’s so cool when I saw him playing.

Ayu:Oh, thank you. 嬉しいわあ。(You make me happy.)

BROTHER SUN SISTER MOON – Cactus (13 July 2024, Live)

Andi:You know, do you happen to like Esperanza Spalding?


Andi:Oh I really, really like her. I just…it’s weird to say I have a crush, but I just think seeing her play bass is just the coolest. I respect you a lot.

Kat:I heard this so many time!! After your show,「あゆさんかっこいい〜! かっこいい〜! (Ayu is cool! So cool!!) 」
もうこれ何度も聞いたよ!! ライブが終わってからずっと、「愛由さんかっこいい〜! かっこいい〜!」って。

Ayu:えー、うれしい〜!(Oh no, you make me feel so special!) Wow, we will definitely share the stage someday.
えー、うれしい〜! わあ、絶対にいつか一緒にライブをしたいね。

Andi:Yes. I’d love to. You know, get more audiences in Japan as well and next time we can play not just in Tokyo but in some other city.

Ayu:Yes, yes. Like Osaka.

Andi:Yes. And maybe we can all, you know, be in the same bus, chat a lot.

Ayu:I’d love that. わー、じゃあこれでインタビューは終わりかなあ。(So, I guess this is the end of our interview, right?) It was really fun talking with you guys. Thank you.

Kat:Can’t wait to hang out together in Japan!!

Ayu:Yayyy. Let’s do it!!

Andi:Let’s not do the touristy stuff…

Ayu:Yeah, yeah, yeah. それだ。(That’s it.)

Andi:Let us experience the real Japan.

Ayu:うん、連れていくよ。(Yes, for sure.) Okay, thank you for your time. And see you soon…have a great night!

Andi:Have a great time voting! Make Japan a better place.
いい投票を! 日本をもっといい場所にしてね。

Ayu:Ha ha! Yes, voting. I am serious.
ははは! 投票、頑張る! ほんとにそう。

#02 Bubble Tea and Cigarettes | Somehow We Still Coexist in This World──なんだかんだ言いながら、僕らはこの世界で共生してる

12月にBubble Tea and Cigarettesが日本でライブを行ったときの集合写真


1996年生まれ、水瓶座。BROTHER SUN SISTER MOONのベースとボーカルを担当。Podcast「Call If You Need Me」を配信するほか、文筆や翻訳業も。訳書に『99%のためのフェミニズム宣言』(人文書院)など。
and you

BUBBLE TEA AND CIGARETTES 『we should’ve killed each other』


we should’ve killed each other | BUBBLE TEA AND CIGARETTES






me and youの竹中万季と野村由芽が、日々の対話や記録と記憶、課題に思っていること、新しい場所の構想などをみなさまと共有していくお便り「me and youからのmessage in a bottle」を隔週金曜日に配信しています。

me and you shop

me and youが発行している小さな本や、トートバッグやステッカーなどの小物を販売しています。

